BPSC Bihar Teacher Recruitment 2023: Bihar Public Service Commission has recently invited the online application form for the post of Bihar school teacher class 1-2, 09 to 10 & 11 to 12 under the education department of Bihar Teacher Recruitment 2023. All eligible/interested candidates can read the official notification before applying to BPSC Bihar Teacher Recruitment 2023. Apply & other links are given below important link sections.
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
Bihar Post Matric BC/EBC PMS Online Form 2022-23: The Bihar Government Has Launched Bihar Scholarship Online The Portal Of Post Matric Scholarship Bihar For The Students Of Bihar Post Matric BC/EBC PMS Online Form 2022-23. In Which Apply For the Academic Year 2022-23 For Inter, Diploma, ITI And Graduation, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, And Extremely Backward Classes Students Online (Post Matric Scholarship Bihar Apply Online) Can Apply. Bihar Post Matric BC/EBC PMS Online Form 2022-23
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना:- रजिस्ट्रेशन के पश्चात आवेदन COMPLETE करने की सुविधा अंतिम दिन के बाद भी दी जाएगी | अतः कृपया USER ID एवं PASSWORD के लिए इंतजार करें तथा फिर पुरी प्रक्रिया को अंतिम रूप देंगे |
Faq (बिहार पोस्ट मैट्रिक छात्रवृति हेतु पुछे जाने वाले प्रश्नो एवं जवाब)
Kindly read all the below Instructions for Post Matric Scholarships for BC, EBC, SS & ST students of Bihar and also have all the necessary documents for applying
First Step – Institutions have to go with the option Institution registration, on the home page http://pmsonline.bih.nic.in/. Fill up the application as per the instructions given by the portal then click on the save button. After successful Institution registration, Institution will receive an SMS/email for their login details.
Upon Institution Registration – For Signing In the Portal will instruct the person to log in with Institution Login Name/Mobile No/Email Once Logged in, Institution is required to fill the Registration form in Details and Click Save Upload the Documents (Scan Copy of originals in PDF Format, File Size:150 KB) on the website. The Institution then needs to add details of courses approved by competent authorities where post-matric scholarship students of BC, EBC, SC, and ST students pertaining to Bihar are studying.
Second Step –
Students have to go with the option Student registration, on the home page http://pmsonline.bih.nic.in/. Fill up the application as per the instructions given by the system then click on the save button. After successfully student registration, the student will receive sms/email for his/her login details.
Upon Student Registration – For Signing In the system will instruct the applicant to log in and submit his/her Student Login Name/Mobile No/Email Once Logged in, the Student is required to fill the Application form in Details and Click Save Upload the Documents (Scan Copy of originals in PDF Format, File Size:150 KB) on the website.
Third Step – The student should upload the requisite documents, finalize the application and take a printout of the application by clicking on the Print button for future reference.
Fourth Step – Mere applying the portal does not make the student eligible for the Scholarship payment rather a well-defined procedure as laid down by Education Department, Govt. of Bihar will be followed before releasing Post Matric scholarships to the BC, EBC, SC, and ST students.
How can I apply online for a scholarship?
The Post Matric Scholarship Schemes of Govt. of Bihar for 2022-2023 (Within the State/Outside the State) are applied only through the online portal. In order to apply online, please visit the website through the URL: http://pmsonline.bih.nic.in/ and Mobile App Post matric Bihar
What Documents are to be uploaded on the Website?
Only Scanned copies of all the Original Documents as required in the online application form valid for 2022-2023 should be uploaded. The List of Documents Includes
Student Aadhaar Card
Student Photograph
Bonafide Certificate from the institution
Fee Receipt from an institution
Income Certificate valid for 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22
Residence Certificate
Caste Certificate
Previous Degree Passing Certificate
Previous Year Mark Sheet
No Tampered Documents or False/Unauthorized Documents which are not legitimate should not be uploaded. If Any False/unauthorized documents are uploaded then the application will be rejected.
(Please ensure that you upload the document properly with the size limit of 150KB on the website. You will not be considered for the scholarship if all the Documents are not uploaded properly. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to submit/upload correct copies on the website.)
What is the last date for submitting applications online?
For Post Matric Scholarship: In case of fresh and Renewal scholarships for the year 2022-2023 students can apply online as per Education Department Advertisement.
Till what Time Can I Upload the Documents on the website?
All Students must Upload all the Documents and finalize the application before the last date as specified in the advertisement of Post matric Scholarship 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 of the Education Department, Govt. of Bihar.
Where can colleges (Within the State) get their Login Details?
All the Institutions/colleges(Within the State) can also get their Login Details –Username/Password from their respective -District Education Officers (DEO).
Is there any Application ID?
Yes. An Application ID will be provided to the candidate once his/her application is completed along with all the scanned documents uploaded successfully. It will be conveyed to candidates through SMS and e-mail. Students can also print copies of the finalized applications. Students should keep their Application details as they will be required while applying for renewal.
When Can Students Apply for Renewals?
The website is open for the Fresh & Renewal Scholarship applicants for the year 2022-2023 any technical queries, E-mail: [email protected] and contact Helpdesk on the Website.
Can I edit the information already saved and up to what time?
You can edit information filled by you until you finalize and submit the online application.
Do I need to get my Aadhaar Card to apply for a Scholarship?
Aadhaar Card Number is mandatory for the Students in order to fill up the application form online.
Is PANCARD mandatory for applying for the scholarship?
No, PAN Card is not mandatory.
What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop-down menu?
If the name of the institution is not in the registered list of institutions of our portal then request your institution to register on our portal along with the requisite documents. The institutions are provisionally allowed registration to enable students of the institution to apply for the scholarship. However, only after proper physical verification of institution records and student records at the institution by the duly constituted committee of Govt. of Bihar, the payment to the student will be released through DBT (PFMS).
How to check the status of my application?
Students can check the status of their Online applications by logging in with his/her login details.
Can I take a printout of my application at any stage?
You can take the printout of your application a number of times once you submit and upload, finalize the application.
Is Bank Account mandatory for applying for the scholarship?
Yes, Bank Account in the name of the Student is mandatory. The bank account should be active to enable payment through DBT.In the case of a Joint Bank Account holder then the Name of the Student should be the first beneficiary of the Bank Account.
How many times an institution can register on the Portal?
An institution can register only once on the portal. However, institutions can upload any number of courses as applicable to the students.
How many times a student can register on the Portal?
A student can register only once on the portal for an academic year. The student can further renew without entering more details for the next academic year onwards.
What happens if illegal practices are followed by institutions or Students?
In case an institution or student is found providing illegal or misleading information or Tampered Documents or False/Unauthorized Documents then the application form will be rejected and legal action will be initiated against concerned persons/parties as per law.
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 for 21391 Posts
Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 for 21391 Posts: Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) recently invited to the online application form for the post of Bihar Police Constable Recruitment 2023 for 21391 Posts. All eligible & interested candidates can read the official full notification before applying online given below important links. Online application starts on 20 June 2023.
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
Bihar ITI Language Exam Answer Key 2023 Objection Last Date 10 May 2023
Bihar ITI Language Exam Answer Key 2023 Objection Last Date 10 May 2023: Bihar School Examination Board, Patna has recently uploaded the exam answer key for the online application forms to the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) language exam 2023. All Bihar board-registered students can download their exam answer key & Objection link given below the important link section.
Step-2 Click On:= Industrial Training higher Secondary Level Language (Hindi & English) Examination 2023 District Name, Institute Name & Code
Step-3 Click On:= User Id & Password
Step-4 Click On:= Login
Step-5 Click On:= Online Application Form Fill up
Step-6 Click On: Submit the Application Form
Step-7 Click On: Payment Gateway.
परीक्षा में सम्मिलित परीक्षणार्थियों की योग्यता (Bihar Board ITI Answer Key 2023)
कक्षा 10वीं उतीर्ण हों। भारत सरकार (NCVT) एवं बिहार सरकार (SCVT) से मान्यता प्राप्त बिहार राज्य के अन्तर्गत औधोगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थान से उतीर्ण अथवा प्रथम वर्ष उतीर्ण एवं द्वितीय वर्ष अध्ययनरत अभ्यर्थी इस परीक्षा में शामिल हो सकते हैं।
परीक्षा कार्यक्रम
परीक्षा की तिथि
परीक्षा का समय
विषय/विषय कोड
परीक्षा की अवधि
28 अप्रैल 2023
प्रथम पाली (09:30 A.M.-12:45 P.M. तक)
(Cool off Time= 09:30 A.M. to 09:45 AM)
हिन्दी (106)
03 घंटा 15 मिनट
द्वितीय पाली (02:00 P.M.-05:15 P.M. तक)
(Cool off Time=02:00 P.M. to 02:15 P.M.)
अंग्रेजी (105)
03 घंटा 15 मिनट
How to Download Admit Card for ITI Language Exam 2023
एडमिट कार्ड विधार्थी खुद से डाउनलोड नहीं कर सकते हैं। आपको संस्थान के यूजर आई.डी. से डाउनलोड करके दिया जाएगा।
सबसे पहले अधिकारिक वेबसाइट http://secondary.biharboardonline.com/ गुगल में खोलने हैं।
वेबासाइट खुलने के बाद आपको नीचे की ओर एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने का लिंक दिखेगा।
इस लिंक पर क्लिक करने हैं।
लिंक पर क्लिक करने के बाद यूजर आई.डी. एवं पासवर्ड लिखने के बाद सबमिट कर देने हैं।
इसके बाद आपकी आई.डी. खुल जाएगी।
तत्पश्चात एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करके सभी विधार्थीयों को देने हैं।
How To Download/Objection Bihar ITI Language Exam Answer Key 2023
http://secondary.biharboardonline.com ⇒ Grievance ⇒ ITI Exam. 2023 Link को click करने के बाद Objection Panel खुलेगा।
Objection Panel में Roll Code, Roll No. एवं DOB भरकर Login करेंगे।
Name, Roll Code, Roll No., Subject, Question Set, Question No. डालने के बाद Error type भरेंगे तथा Error Remarks में उत्तर कुंजी के संबंध में आपत्ति दर्ज कर Submit पर Click करेंगे।
निर्धारित अवधि के बाद एवं अन्य माध्यम से प्राप्त आपत्तियों पर कोई विचार नहीं किया जायेगा।
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
Bihar Board Inter Admission 2023, OFSS 12th Admission Online Form 2023-25
Bihar Board Inter Admission 2023-25: Bihar School Examination Board, Patna has recently invited the online intermediate admission for the session 2023-25 through Online Facilitation System for Students (OFSS) portal. All eligible/interested candidates can read the official notification before applying online for admission related to all details given below the important link section.
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
About OFSS
Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has developed an online system named Online Facilitation System for Students (OFSS) which will enable the students to take admission in Intermediate courses of Arts/Science/Commerce/Agriculture in different Colleges/Schools (Except Minority Institutions and Residential institutions) affiliated and recognized with Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) in all 38 districts in the state of Bihar.
Who can apply?
Students who have passed the matriculation or equivalent Examination from the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE), Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), or any other national / state boards are eligible to apply online for admission.
OFSS 12th Admission Online Form 2023-25
Students can apply via the online Common Application Form (CAF) available on www.ofssbihar.in and can be accessed from any place where an Internet facility is available. The application fee for online admission is Rs. 350/‐ only and the mode of payment has been described in the Common application form (CAF).
This system makes the entire admission process transparent, reliable, hassle-free, and cost-effective thereby reducing the anxiety of applicants/parents regarding the selection and related queries.
Bihar ITI Admission Online Form 2023, Apply Started, Direct link available
Bihar ITI Admission Online Form 2023: Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) recently invited Bihar ITICAT admission online form 2023 for the various trades. All eligible/interested candidates can download the official notification before applying online form.
(MMT & MT) Mechanic Motor Vehicle/ Mechanic Tractor.
Educational Qualification
Candidates Passed / Appearing 10th Exam Form any Recognized Board.
For More Details Read Prospectus Carefully.
Steps of Filling Application Form
Bihar ITI Admission Online Form 2023
Step- One (Registration): Email ID And Registered Mobile Number.
Step-Two (Personal Information): Sign in Using your User ID & Password and Fill Personal Details.
Step Three (Upload Photo & Signature): Recently Upload a Contrast Colour Photo with the Date/ Name Mention On it &Scan the Signature in Hindi and English. Bihar Step-Four (Educational Information): Fill in Educational Certificate Details Carefully.
Step-Five (Preview Your Application): Before Completing the form Preview your Application List then Final Submit.
Step-Six (Payment Of Examination Fee): After Previewing the form and save the Payment Option.
Step-Seven (Download Part A, B): Candidate Must Download Parts A, and B and Keep them Safe because it used in Counselling
Railway Group D Updation of Bank Account Details Online 2023
Group D Updation of Bank Account Details 2023: Railway Recruitment Boards have initiated a refund of examination fees to the candidates who had attended CBT conducted from 17.08.2022 to 11.10.2022 for Level-1 posts against CEN No. RRC – 01/2019.
Bank Account Details were taken at the time of filling out the Online Application Form for a refund. However, applications have been received 04 years back and in the intervening period, a lot of changes might have occurred in the account details of the candidates. Also, it is observed by the Bank while scrutinizing account details that a large number of payments were made from the same account number. Further, due to the merging of various banks, their IFSC codes have been changed and it is necessary to reconfirm and take fresh details of the bank account if required so that refund is made in the correct bank account of the candidate.
Important Dates Railway Group D Updation of Bank Account Details
Bank Account Details Update Date: 14 April 2023: 10:00 AM.
Last Date Bank Account Details Update: 30 April 2023: 05:00 PM.
In order to facilitate the candidates to provide their Bank Account Details, RRBs have decided to provide a one-time opportunity for providing Bank Account Details. Accordingly, an Update Bank Account Link will be provided on the official websites of RRBs which will be live from 14-04-2023, 10.00 AM to 30-04-2023, 05.00 PM. Candidates are advised to make use of this one-time opportunity to update their Bank Account Details if there is any change.
Candidates are requested to ensure that the Bank Account Number and IFSC Code entered are correct and are advised to carefully check their Bank Account Details and IFSC Code before submitting the same. It may be noted that modification of bank details after submission will not be possible. RRBs shall not be responsible for further failure of refund, if any, on account of incorrect details furnished by the candidates and will not entertain further correspondence in this regard.
The same updated Bank Details will also be used in the future for refunding the prescribed fees paid by those candidates whose raised objections for questions/answers/options etc. were found correct after a review of objections in terms of RRB Notice dated 13.10.2022.
The last date for submission of Bank Details is 30.04.2023 (17.00 hrs.)
Refund (after deduction of Bank charges) will be admissible subject to verification of the candidate particulars with RRB records.
Incorrect, Incomplete, and/or late claims will be summarily rejected.
One Help Desk Menu will be provided to get any clarification or help in case of any trouble while submitting the Bank Details and Forgot Registration Menu will also be available for getting missing Registration Number
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
Bihar Bhumi LRC Various Post Recruitment 2023. BCECEB has recently invited the Bihar Bhumi to survey post-recruitment 2023. All eligible/interested candidates can apply online application form between 13 April 2023 To 22 May 2023. All registered candidates can read the official notification before applying for the recruitment application form in Bihar Bhumi LRC Various Post Recruitment 2023. Kindly check and collect all Documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, and Basic details. Kindly read scan document related to the online form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc. Before submitting the application form must check the preview and all columns carefully. Take A printout of the final submitted form.
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.
Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Exam Program 2023: राज्य के +2 स्तर की शिक्षा प्रदान करने वाले मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षण संस्थानों के प्रधान, छात्र / छात्रा, उनके अभिभावक, जिला कार्यक्रम पदाधिकारी (मा०शि०) तथा जिला शिक्षा पदाधिकारी को सूचित किया जाता है कि बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति द्वारा छात्रहित में इन्टरमीडिएट कम्पार्टमेंटल – सह – विशेष परीक्षा, 2023 आयोजित की जाएगी। इस परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होने वाले इच्छुक वैसे परीक्षार्थी जिनका सूचीकरण संख्या तीन शैक्षणिक सत्र यथा – 2019-21, 2020-22 एवं 2021-23 के लिए मान्य है, वे अपने शिक्षण संस्थान के प्रधान के माध्यम से समिति की वेबसाईट seniorsecondary.biharboardonline.com पर दिनांक 23.03.2023 से 27.03.202330 मार्च 2023 तक ऑनलाईन परीक्षा आवेदन भर सकते हैं।
कंपार्टमेंटल-सह-विशेष परीक्षा का आयोजन 26 अप्रैल 2023 से 08 मई 2023 तक किया जाएगा। रजिस्ट्रेड विधार्थी निचे परीक्षा का कार्यक्रम दिया जा रहा हैं। इसे डाउनलोड करके सभी जानकारी देख लें।
Compartmental Form Apply Start Date: 23 March 2023
Last Date Form Online: 27 March 20330 March 2023
Compartmental-Cum-Special Exam Start Date: 26 April 2023
Last Date Compartmental-Cum-Special Exam: 08 May 2023
Application Fee
इन्टरमीडिएट कम्पार्टमेन्टल-सह-विशेष परीक्षा, 2023 हेतु परीक्षार्थी से लिये जाने वाले निर्धारित परीक्षा शुल्क का विवरणः-
प्रति परीक्षार्थी निर्धारित शुल्क
परीक्षा आवेदन-पत्र का शुल्क
रू0 150/-
परीक्षा शुल्क
रू0 260/-
लोकल लेवी
रू0 480/-
अंक-पत्र शुल्क
रू0 170/-
औपबंधित प्रमाण-पत्र शुल्क
रू0 170/-
प्रव्रजन (Migration) प्रमाण-पत्र शुल्क
रू0 170/-
आनलाईन शुल्क (रू0 30/-) +2 विधालय/महाविधालय के बैंक खाता में जमा होगा, जिसका उपयोग शिक्षण संस्थान के प्रधान द्वारा विधार्थी के आनलाईन आवेदन भरने तथा उन्हें डमी/मुल प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड कर प्राप्त कराने के मद में किया जाएगा।
रू0 30/-
आँनलाईन शुल्क सहित कुल परीक्षा एवं अन्य शुल्क
रू0 1430/-
कला, विज्ञान, एवं वाणिज्य संकाय के समुन्नत एवं क्वालिफाईंग
रू0 340/-
परीक्षार्थी के लिए अनुमति शुल्क व्यावसायित पाठ्यक्रम के समुन्नत परीक्षार्थी के लिए अनुमति शुल्क
रू0 340/-
सिर्फ व्यावसायिक पाठ्यक्रम के परीक्षार्थी के लिए व्यावसायिक परीक्षा शुल्क
रू0 400/-
अन्य कोटि के विधार्थीयों के लिए अलग-अलग शुल्क निर्धारित किया गया हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए अधिकारिक नोटिफिकेशन देखें।
) ऑनलाईन शुल्क (रु० 30/-) +2 विद्यालय / महाविद्यालय के बैंक खाता में जमा होगा, जिसका उपयोग शिक्षण संस्थान के प्रधान द्वारा विद्यार्थी के ऑनलाईन आवेदन भरने तथा उन्हें डमी / मूल प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड कर प्राप्त कराने के मद में किया जाएगा।
) इन्टरमीडिएट कला, विज्ञान, वाणिज्य एवं व्यावसायिक पाठ्यक्रम के केवल नियमित (Regular) श्रेणी के SC, ST तथा EBC कोटि के छात्र / छात्राओं के द्वारा परीक्षा शुल्क रु० 260 /- (दो सौ साठ रुपये मात्र) नहीं दिया जाना है, चूँकि उन्हें इस शुल्क का भुगतान करने से छूट है।
ऑनलाईन परीक्षा आवेदन भरने हेतु लॉगिन करने के संबंध में
ऑनलाईन परीक्षा आवेदन एवं शुल्क जमा करने के लिए महाविद्यालय / +2 विद्यालय के प्रधान को समिति द्वारा यूजर आई०डी० एवं पासवर्ड जिला शिक्षा पदाधिकारी के माध्यम से पूर्व में ही उपलब्ध कराया जा चुका है। यूजर आई०डी० एवं पासवर्ड का प्रयोग करते हुए शिक्षण संस्थान के प्रधान समिति की वेबसाइट seniorsecondary.biharboardonline.com पर लॉगिन करेंगे।
लॉगिन के उपरान्त महाविद्यालय / +2 विद्यालय के यूजर पोर्टल में Intermediate Compartmental-cum-Special Examination, 2023 में सम्मिलित होने वाले छात्र-छात्राओं का डाटा विवरणी उपलब्ध रहेगा, जिसे क्लिक करने पर छात्र / छात्राओं के उपलब्ध विवरणी की जाँच कर परीक्षा आवेदन भरने की कार्रवाई सुनिश्चित करेंगे।
इन्टरमीडिएट कम्पार्टमेन्टल – सह – विशेष परीक्षा, 2023 में सूचीकृत एवं सेन्टअप परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण परीक्षार्थी का शिक्षण संस्थान के प्रधान दिनांक-23.03.2023 से 27.03.2023 30 मार्च 2023 तक की अवधि में ऑनलाईन परीक्षा आवेदन भरना एवं शुल्क जमा करना सुनिश्चित करेंगे।
ऑनलाईन परीक्षा आवेदन भरने या परीक्षा शुल्क जमा करने में किसी प्रकार की असुविधा होने पर समिति के हेल्प लाइन नं0-0612-2230039 पर सूचित करके समस्या का त्वरित समाधान प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।
अतः सभी संबंधितों से अनुरोध है कि इस कार्य को सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता देते हुए इन्टरमीडिएट कम्पार्टमेन्टल-सह-विशेष परीक्षा, 2023 में सम्मिलित होने वाले परीक्षार्थियों का परीक्षा आवेदन एवं शुल्क ऑनलाईन भरे जाने की प्रक्रिया में अपना पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान करेंगे।
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CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023 for 129929 Posts: Central Reserve Police Force has recently issued the gazette notification recruitment rule for the CRPF for the 129929 posts recruitment 2023. All eligible/interested candidates can apply online application form between –/–/—- To –/–/—-. Candidate read the official notification before applying for the recruitment application form in CRPF Constable Recruitment 2023 for 129929 Posts Recruitment. Kindly check and collect all Documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, and Basic details. Kindly read scan document related to the online form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc. Before submitting the application form must check the preview and all columns carefully. Take A printout of the final submitted form.
Disclaimer: The Examination Results / Marks published on this Website are only for the immediate Information of the Examinees and do not to be constituted be a Legal Document. While all efforts have been made to make the Information available on this Website as Authentic as possible. We are not responsible for any Inadvertent Error that may have crept into the Examination Results / Marks being published on this Website and for any loss to anybody or anything caused by any Shortcoming, Defect, or Inaccuracy of the Information on this Website. All data (counting all Notes) on resultlives.com has been incorporated from the particular authority sites, Daily paper, and other dependable sources.