Bihar New Rasan Card Online Apply 2022
बिहार में अब आप घर बैठे राशन कार्ड के लिए आनलाईन आवेदन कर सकते है। कुछ दिनों पहले आनलाईन आवेदन लिया जा रहा था, किंतु वह अभी डेमो के लिए आवेदन लिया जा रहा था। किंतु अब वेबसाइट बनकर तैयार हो गया है, अब नया राशन कार्ड के लिए आनलाईन आवेदन शुरू हो गया है, अब आप घर बैठे नये राशन कार्ड का लिए आनलाईन आवेदन कर सकते है। नीचे आनलाईन आवेदन करने का लिंक दिया गया है, और बताया गया है, नीचे देखें।
Important Date
Online Rasan Card Apply Date: January 2022
Online Rasan Card Apply Last Date: Notify Soon
Application Fee
No application Fee for Rasan Card Online Apply
- प्रत्येक सदस्य का आधार (Each Member Copy of Aadhar Card)
- बैक खाते की प्रथम पृष्ट की छायाप्रति, जिसपर खाताधारी का नाम, खाता संख्या, बैक का नाम, बैक का IFSC Code हो।
- आवासीय प्रमाण की छायाप्रति (Copy of Residence Certificate)
- जाति प्रमाण—पत्र की छायाप्रति (Copy of Cast Certificate)
- आय प्रमाण—पत्र की छायाप्रति (Copy of Income Certificate)
- आवेदन का हस्ताक्षर का एक फोटोग्राफ (Scan Copy of Applicant Signature or Photo)
- संपूर्ण परिवार का फोटोग्राफ (केवल JPEG या JPG)
- विकलांगता प्रमाण पत्र (Disability Certificate) (ये विकलांक के लिए है, सबके लिए नहीं है)
सभी दस्तावेज Self Attested होनी चाहिए, अर्थात् सभी दस्तावेज पर हस्ताक्षर होनी चाहिए। |
Important Links | |
New Rasan Card Online Apply | Click Here |
Forgot Password | Click Here |
Download Rasan Card | Click Here |
Rasan Card Details | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
Join Telegram Channel | Click Here |
नीचे राशन कार्ड आनलाईन आवेदन करने का तरीका बताया गया है, इसे देखें |
Simple six steps to apply for new ration card application
➢ Login
➢ Add Applicant Details
➢ Add Member Details
➢ Upload Documents
➢ Final Submission
Registration Form
First of all, Applicant should be register on online portal with valid name as per Aadhaar, mobile number, Aadhaar number and email id. (Steps are given below)
1. Applicant will enter their name in English and Hindi both, and mobile number then click on get OTP

2. After click on “Get OTP”, A SMS will sent by application to applicant at given mobile number, they will entered received OTP on their next screen(given below)
3. After validate their OTP, a new screen will appear on the portal where applicant will enter Aadhaar Number, select their district of Bihar, pin code, password, confirm password and captcha then click on Register. (screen shown below)
4. After register button click, applicant will get login Id through which they can login the portal and fill the application. Applicant will also get their login Id on their given registered mobile number as well.
Login Form
After registration, applicant login on portal by using login Id and password
After login by applicant, dashboard screen will be open. Through this dashboard screen, user can read the instruction mentioned carefully. At top of the screen a menu will also appear where user can see the option of New apply. Here user will select one time option that either this application is for rural area or urban area.
Applicant Form
After selection of Area from menu, applicant information form will be open where applicant will fill their details as per application required.
Applicant Member Form
After submission of applicant information, a new screen will display on portal. By this screen user can add ration card members using valid Aadhaar number, Name should be also match with Aadhaar Card and required information as well.
Now after completion of adding the members for same applicant, a link button will be appear on same screen i.e “Go for Upload Document”. By help of this link applicant will proceed to next step i.e document upload. As soon as there is a member’s added, it will continue to be displayed in the table below. Through the edit and delete button shown in this table, the applicant will be able to update or delete the details given.
Applicant Member Form
On clicking the edit, the details given by the member will fill in the screen above (Screen shown below). The same foot applicant was also shown the update button with the help of which he would be able to update the details change.
Applicant Upload Document Form
After Adding members of same application. Applicant will go for Document Upload (Screen Shown below). At this page kindly read the instruction carefully before document upload. There are two upload control will display here, one for family photo upload and other for document upload.
In this application, the applicant will have to scan all the applicant and member’s documents and upload them by merging them together. All documents must have a self attested by applicant and members and also checked the checkbox which document you are giving from your side.
Application Final Submission Form
The final submission will be the last step by the applicant, in which the applicant will view the submitted information Bihar New Rasan Card Online Apply 2022
Next step by applicant is to fill the Annexure either in YES or NO and finally submit the document. You have to check the declaration mentioned before final submission.
Before final submission, the application will also confirm whether they want to make the final submission or not
After the final submission, you will not be able to change, add or delete any information given by the applicant and the application will also get a SMS on the registered mobile number of the applicant, in which they will get their application Id and final submission information as well.