Indian Airforce Agniveer Phase-2 Admit Card 2023, Hall Ticket, Download Now, Direct Link
Indian Airforce Agniveer Phase-2 Admit Card 2023, Hall Ticket, Download Now, Direct Link: Indian Air Force has recently uploaded phase 2 admit card an online application form for the post of Agniveers Agnipath Recruitment 2022. All registered candidates can download the phase 2 admit card given below the important link section. Any youth whose age is between 18 to 23 years and who comes from any state/ city in India can apply online for the Indian Airforce Agniveer Agnipath recruitment 2022. For more details read the official notification before applying online form in the given below official notification.
Important Date
- Online Apply Start: 24 June 2022
- Online Apply Last Date: 05 July 2022
- Online Exam Date: 24 July 2022
- Phase-2 Admit Card Issue Date: 15 February 2023
Application Fee
- General/EWS/OBC Candidates: Rs. 250/-
- SC/ST Candidates: Rs. 250/-
Payment Mode: Pay the application fee through a Debit Card/Credit Card/Internet Banking through the payment gateway. The examination fee can also be paid by Challan payment at any Axis Bank Branch.
Age Limit
- Candidates born between 29 December 1999 and 29 June 2005 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply
For More Details Read the Official Notification
Educational Qualification
(a) Science Subjects
Candidates should have passed the Intermediate/10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics, and English from an Education
Board listed as COBSE member with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Passed Three years of Diploma Courses in Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Automobile/ Computer Science /
Instrumentation Technology / Information Technology) from a Government recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in
aggregate and 50% marks in English in a diploma course (or in Intermediate/Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course).
Passed Two years of Vocational Courses with non-vocational subjects viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards/Councils
which are listed in COBSE with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in the vocational course (or in Intermediate / Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course)
(b) Other Than Science Subjects
Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any subject approved by Central / State Education Boards listed as COBSE
member with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
Passed two years of vocational courses from Education Boards listed as COBSE members with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in the vocational courses or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.
Note – 1: Candidate eligible for the Science Subjects examination (on the basis of Intermediate/10+2) are also eligible for the Other than Science subjects examination and would be given an option of appearing in both Science and Other than Science subjects examination in one sitting while filling up the online registration form.
Note – 2: Education Boards listed on the Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) website as members, as of the date of registration shall only be considered.
Note – 3: Exact aggregate Percentage of marks before decimal as written in the marks sheet of 10+2/Intermediate/Equivalent Examination / Three years Diploma Course/Two years Vocational Course OR calculated as per the rules of concerned Education Board / Polytechnic Institute shall only be considered (For example 49.99% should be taken as 49% and not be rounded off to 50%).
Mandatory Medical Standards. General Medical Standards for AGNIVEER VAYU are as follows:-
(a) Height: Minimum acceptable height is 152.5 cm
(b) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
(c) Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
(d) Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable. Visual requirements as applicable as per Indian Air Force standards.
(e) Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
(f) Dental: Should have healthy gums, a good set of teeth, and a minimum of 14 dental points.
(g) General Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate shall be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
Terminal Benefits
Seva Nidhi Package: AGNIVEER VAYU will be given one time ‘Seva Nidhi’ package comprising their monthly contribution along with a matching contribution by the Government on completion of their engagement period, as indicated below:-
Note 1: AGNIVEER VAYU will not be required to contribute to any Provident Fund of the Government.
Note 2: There shall be no entitlement to any gratuity and any kind of pensionary benefits in the case of AGNIVEER VAYU.
Insurance, Death, and Disability Compensation:
AGNIVEER VAYU will be provided non-contributory life insurance cover of Rs 48 lakhs for the duration of their engagement period as AGNIVEER VAYU in the Indian Air Force. AGNIVEER VAYU will not be governed by provisions contained in the Pension Regulations/Rules for Indian Air Force.
AGNIVEER Skill Certificate.
At the end of the engagement period, a detailed Skill-Set certificate will be provided to the AGNIVEER VAYU, highlighting the skills and level of competency acquired by the personnel during their engagement period.
Personnel enrolled under this Scheme will not be eligible for Ex-Servicemen status.
Contact Us
FOR ANY QUERY CONTACT, PRESIDENT, CASB, BRAR SQUARE, DELHI CANTT, NEW DELHI – 110010, TELEPHONE NO. 011-25694209 / 25699606 AND E-MAIL: [email protected] OR LOG ON TO CASB WEB PORTAL https://agnipathvayu.cdac.in UNDER CANDIDATE’S LOG IN. For queries pertaining to filling up of online application form, candidates may also contact on Telephone No. 020-25503105/25503106.
Important Links |
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